The International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking was celebrated at Vijayanagar College, Hosapete, in collaboration with the Chitwadagi Police Station. On this occasion, Sri Harish Babu IPS, Superintendent of Police of Vijayanagar district, spoke about the methods employed by the police to combat drug use and trafficking. The event was presided over by Principal Dr. M. Prabhugouda, who, in his presidential remarks, advised students to steer clear of such harmful habits. Smt. Bharati conducted the program, while Police Inspector Ashwant Narayana of Chitwadagi Station welcomed the gathering. IQAC Coordinator Ravikiran delivered the vote of thanks.

Our NCC cadets participated in the Rally creating Awareness of preventation of drug usage and illicit trafficking of drugs on 26th June 2024 . This was in association with District health and Family welfare department of Vijayanagar District